Nordic Environmental NUcleotide Network

NENUN takes initiative to and supports several types of initiatives including workshops, Ph.D. courses and student or scientist exchange between participants.


The first workshop was held in Helsingør, Denmark on November 23-25 2010. At this workshop the participating groups presented the work of each group and we discussed the priorities of the network. A short minute of the meeting in NENUN can be found on this site.

It has been decided that the next NENUN workshop will be held in Iceland. The meeting will take place in September 2011, date to be announced later. NENUN workshop 2012 will take place in Uppsala.

PhD courses

NENUN will give seed money for up to three Ph.d. courses. One course will be planned on “Single cell methods” and one will be planned on “454 sequencing” .

It was further agreed that the network will try to apply for one or two larger Ph.D. courses next time there is a possibility from NordForsk. Two preliminary titles would be : “Ecological theory linked to microbial ecology” and  “Environmental Transcript Analysis and Transcriptomics” methods. 

PhD student exchange 

Exchange between labs can be supported by NENUN.




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